Copyright Policy

Updated on January 10, 2025

Gameveb assists users in downloading the most popular games in effortless and efficient ways. We have an extensive gallery of games, along with their details, for individuals to easily grasp the fundamentals of the specific game. With users being our most valuable asset, we have curated a detailed copyright policy, so everyone using the site has a hold of how to consume, view, create, etc. the content on the platform. 

At Gameveb, we abide by the Singapore Copyright Act 2021 while honoring other applicable laws to secure the intellectual property rights of others and expect every individual to do the same. This copyright policy is only applicable to for addressing any claims of violation related to the copyrighted material owned or controlled by any third party. 

The Gameveb platform has a set of pre-defined rules, including but not limited to the Terms of Use, Copyright Policy, and DMCA Copyright Infringement Notification. We do not allow any individual to upload any content that causes harm to anybody’s copyright laws. 

It’s the sole responsibility of every individual to not upload any material on the site that bothers with the copyright norms of the webpage. If anybody is uploading anything on the site without checking the complete authorization or legally valid reason, then the individual is violating the rights of the platform’s copyright rules. 

This Copyright Policy does not constitute any legal advice and must not be treated as a substitute for legal advice. The user must ask for independent legal advice if you are in doubt about whether any content that you are thinking about is under copyright by other parties or not. 

The Removal of Content Process

In case you find particular copyrighted material on our platform, we request you to send a complete take-down notice to the designated email address mentioned in the contact information of our site. 

Upon receiving the take-down notice, our experts will look into the matter and further take the required steps to disable or remove access to material with the Copyright Act. 

Restoration Method

After taking the required steps with the content (removal or disabled access), we proceed with the process of notifying the person who posted the material in the first place. The user must send a valid counter-notice within a scheduled time which must be in accordance with the Copyright Act to the designated email address of the website. 

Gameveb will take all reasonable steps to restore the content that is technically or practically possible unless the copyright owner commences the proceedings of the court to prevent any restoration of the matters while keeping the site informed about the same. 

Factors to Add to Take-Down Notice

A valid take-down notice to be submitted by the complainant must include the following pointers: 

  • Personal details like the name, address, telephone number, and email address of the complainant (the address for service of the site’s location). 
  • All the required information to identify the copyrighted material. 
  • A written statement as to why our platform must remove or disable access to the content. 
  • Inclusion of a statement that all the things mentioned in the take-down notice are accurate and reliable. 
  • A write-up stating that the complainant is the copyrighted owner and has the exclusive license about their authority to act on behalf of the owner. 
  • The agreement is that all the complaints regarding this matter are to be submitted under the jurisdiction of our website’s state and country.

Form of Counter Notice

If you are to quote a counternotice to Gameveb, here is the list of things that an individual must include in their notice. 

  • Name, address, telephone number, facsimile number (if exists), and email address of complainant.
  • A justified amount of information to allow the Gameveb platform to recognize all the details that are set to be removed or disabled.
  • Justification for all the details in this counter-notice is accurate. 
  • Agreement that includes all the responses of the court that come under the state or country of the site. 

It is required to note that under this Copyright Act, if a complaining party is found making false statements, then they are liable to pay all damages.